September 3, 2018
I love Jim Rohn's quote and believe it with all myheart, “Work hard at your job and you can make a living. Work hard on yourselfand you can make a fortune.”
My mentor, the legendary leadershipguru and author of over seventy books on leadership, John Maxwell states, "Leadership isinfluence-nothing more, nothing less." Unfortunately, the primary influence for manyleaders is limited to the workplace. They are influential solely because of theposition they hold. John refers to them as Positional Leaders.
EveryPerson Is A Leader, According to Glynn
I maintain every person is a leaderbecause everyone influences others in either a positive or negative way. It matters not if you are an employee,supervisor, manager, business owner or CEO, you are a leader and…
You are an influential person.
I'm not sure what Tyler Perry will share but I find the following two quotes veryinspirational and thought provoking: (1) “I work side by side with my people,12 to 14 hours a day. I’m in the trenches with them. I’m not asking them to doanything I’m not doing. It’s a culture not of ‘I think I can,’ but of ‘I know Iwill’ It’s about leading by example and letting them know nothing isimpossible.” (2) “My biggest success is getting over the things that have triedto destroy and take me out of this life. Those are my biggest successes. It hasnothing to do with work.” ~Tyler Perry
Live2Lead Chattanooga will provide theopportunity for you to begin or continue working hard on yourself. “Work hardat your job and you can make a living. Work hard on yourself and you can make afortune.”~ Jim Rohn
SHRM professionals will receive
SHRM PDC’s. The 2018 Live2Lead event hasbeen approved for 3.75 Professional Development Credits (PDCs) through theSociety for Human Resource Management (SHRM). Thecredits count toward re-certification for anyone holding a SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCPcredential. The necessary information for redeeming these credits will be madeavailable upon request to anyone participating in the Live2Lead event in itsentirety.
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